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Omokoroa Dash 2014 (sanctioned)


Omokoroa Domain, Tauranga


Sun 2nd Feb 2014




Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club Inc.

Contact Details

Name: Rebecca Ryder
Phone: (07) 570 3261
Mobile: 0274 399936


Venue Omokoroa Domain, Omokoroa

Directions Head on State Highway 1 toward Katikati and turn right into Omokoroa Road, follow to end , noting the road makes a sharp right hand turn down a hill. Turn left on The Esplanade and then turn right onto Harbour View Road and then into the northern end of the Omokoroa Domain and see traffic directions for parking of boat trailers.

NOTE ALL VEHICLES - Please do not park cars, or trailers in the main carparks around the shop and boat ramp. All waka parking will be within the designated parking area within the reserve.
There are toilets, a shop, cafe and playground at the Domain. It’s perfect for a family day out. Want to stay a night? There is a campground nearby too.
Date: Sunday 2nd February 2014 - High Tide: 10.30am

7.30am Registration / Safety Checks
8.30am Karakia / Race Briefing
8.50am W6 – Women & Mixed (10km)
9.00am W1 / W2 / Surf Ski - Men & Mixed (10km)
10.15am W6 Junior, Novice and Whanau Race (5km)
10.20am W1 Junior / SUP Race (5km)
11.00am W6 – Men & Mixed (10km)
11.05am W1 / W2 / Surf Ski - Women & Mixed (10km)
Note: Mixed can race in either morning or afternoon
Note: Junior = J16 and J19
• W6 canoes must have 2 bailers and 6 lifejackets and 1 spare paddle.
• W1 / W2 canoes must have 1 bailer (for sit in canoes), 1 x lifejacket per person and 1 spare paddle.
• All waka will have to pass a safety check and be marked before racing. Any boats not marked will not be permitted to race. (Refer to NKOA Rules for safety equipment requirements). NOTE: Buoyancy Aids/Tubes do NOT constitute a lifejacket.
• Junior Teams constitute actual J16 and J19 crews (Intermediate crews and below are not eligible)
• All W6 Canoes must have a towrope fitted to the canoe. The rope must be at least 12mm diameter and a minimum length of 25 metres.
• All boats must have spray skirt available on the day. Race organiser’s reserve the right to make spray skirts compulsory if required.
• The Race Organisers have the discretion to cancel the race, refuse entry to crews for any reason related to safety of participants.
• All steerers and team captains must attend the race briefing.
• Should a waka require assistance during the race, the paddler in No.3 seat must hold their paddle up vertically so that an official rescue boat or any passing waka can render assistance.
• In all races W1/W2 must give way to W6. The lead canoe will have right of way.
• On coming waka and craft must approach ‘port to port’ or ama to ama’.
• Competitors should dress appropriately for the conditions (including cooler conditions if required - wet suits, polypropylenes recommended)
• The Race Director and his/her officials have absolute control of the event. They have the discretion to withdraw any competitor or waka which in their opinion is or will be endangering his/her or others safety.
• Race organisers will arrange official support boats, which will be marked with orange flags.
Novice Novice paddlers are considered to be first time members, friends, partners etc. Novice races will continue if weather conditions are suitable.
Whanau The Whanau Race is for members of the same family to compete together for a fun 5km race. Family members must be related or living in the same household. Yes bring some of the young ones too.
Notification: In the event of poor weather conditions, please phone 07 570 3261 and check the answer phone for an update on any possible changes or cancellations.
Food Free Sausage sizzle will be available for all paddlers
Cost $10.00 per paddler for 10km Race
$5.00 per paddler for 5km Race

Each paddler only pays one fee (if doing both races it is the higher of the two fees).

Contact Rebecca Ryder
Hm (07) 570 3261 (evenings)
Mobile 0274 3999 36
Email: [email protected]

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