TEST SITE - wakaama.co.nz

Culture of Waka Ama Course

The Culture of Waka Ama course is an online learning module for our waka ama members, waka ama whānau and for the wider waka ama community to learn about the culture and sport of waka ama - the way we do things and why.

The Culture of Waka Ama course provides a booklet that has information about the history and cultural aspects of waka ama followed by a quiz to help reinforce one’s knowledge and understanding of the culture and sport of waka ama.

This Culture of Waka Ama course is a required course of the Waka Ama NZ Foundation Coach certification.

Take your time to read through the Culture of Waka Ama booklet and then test your knowledge with the quiz that follows.

If you have any questions, email admin@wakaama.co.nz
