The Waka Ama NZ Rautaki Rangatahi is a Youth Strategy, co-designed with our Te Reo Taiohi rōpū, to contribute to the development of waka ama for rangatahi, as advised by rangatahi. Te Reo Taiohi rōpū contributed to the development of this Rautaki Rangatahi through wānanga, online hui, and feedback via surveys and emails.
The Rautaki Rangatahi is guided by our Waka Ama NZ Strategy and underpinned by our Waka Ama NZ values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Hauora, and Tū Tangata.
On average, our yearly affiliated waka ama membership consists of at least 50% under 19. Waka Ama NZ recognises the importance of rangatahi participation and engagement in waka ama, and the ongoing development required to ensure rangatahi needs are being met. This Rautaki Rangatahi sets the direction for Waka Ama NZ to be guided by our rangatahi and their voice.
Waka Ama NZ looks forward to implementing this strategy and continuing our commitment to developing waka ama for rangatahi.