Waka Ama NZ and Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association are excited to announce and welcome Jasmine as the new Regional Development Coordinator (part time) for the Hoe Tonga Region. Nau mai, haere mai!
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa - thank you all for your time, dedication and hard work for your club, paddlers and whānau for the 2025 Waka Ama National Sprint Championships. Without the paddlers, coaches, managers, parents, supporters, sponsors, drivers and volunteers, the event would not have been able to happen! Our sport is lucky to have so many passionate and giving people involved that helped to make last weeks event the biggest yet! We are keen for your feedback on the National Sprints, please take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Waka Ama NZ is ready to host the biggest ever Waka Ama Sprint Nationals, 12-18 January 2025, Lake Karāpiro.
Please ensure you take the time to read pānui 3 and the managers booklet carefully.
Please note any changes received today will be in the next draw update. For those clubs with Taitamahine teams racing in Taitama W12 events, please check if you have any direct clashes. Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries.
Remember e te whanau, paddler rosters close at midnight this Thursday January 2nd. All ID cards must also be ordered by Friday January 3rd to be ready for pick up at the event.
We would like to wish all our waka ama whānau a happy and safe summer holiday season! The Waka Ama NZ Office will shut down for the summer break from 23rd December 2024 until the 6th of January 2025. Make sure to stay safe whilst paddling and utilise our Waka Ama Safety resources available on our website. Please take care and we look forward to seeing many of you at Karāpiro in January 2025!
Waka Ama NZ is pleased to share with our waka ama whānau our Annual Report 2024. 2024 has been a year filled with many exciting highlights for our organisation, our sport, and our waka ama whānau as we work towards strengthening capability and capacity, getting more people in the waka, and sustaining international success. We would like to acknowledge all our waka ama whānau for another great year and look forward to further growth and development over the next year.
World Distance intents for J19 Wāhine, J19 Tāne, Open Wāhine, and Open Tāne teams are now open!
Takapuna Beach
Ōmokoroa Domain, Ōmokoroa
5km, 10km
Epworth Park, 116 Finlay Rd, Maungatautari
Have a Go Day
Ian Shaw Park, Mt Wellington
Henley Lake, Masterton
Nga Hau Maiangi, Ian Shaw Park, 252a Panama Road, Auckland
8km, 15km
Ohope, Whakatane
Ngamotu Beach Ocean View Parade, New Plymouth
11km & 21km
Okahu Bay, Tamaki Drive - Manukau Harbour, Mangere Bridge
Tapuaeharuru Bay, Ferry Rd, Taupo
21km & 8km
Te Tauihu, Kaiteretere
52km Change race
Mount Maunganui
32km (W6)
Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake), Rotorua
Okahu Bay, Auckland
Mangawhai Estuary