TEST SITE - wakaama.co.nz

The following information is for travel insurance for the 2023 World Distance Champs in Samoa.

Waka Ama NZ has managed to secure comprehensive Travel Insurance for our New Zealand Teams and Management which is available to anyone travelling to Samoa as part of the IVF World Distance Championship New Zealand contingent. The insurance is underwritten by Chubb. 

The policy includes cover for racing at the World Distance Championships.
The Travel Insurance policy wording is attached below for you to review. Please note: you should read the Policy before purchasing the insurance.

The cost of the cover options are as follows:
  • $20 per day for those racing
  • $12 for anyone who is not racing

If you are racing at all then the whole journey is calculated at the racing amount $20 per day - you cannot mix and match the different rates

There is a $15 service fee added to the total number of insurance days booked, plus a credit card processing fee.

When purchasing the insurance please ensure you calculate how many days are required you need to include the day you leave NZ and the day you arrive back in NZ.
i.e. If you are leaving NZ 1st of August, returning (landing in NZ) 20th of August = 20 days (note some late evening flights depart Samoa and arrive in NZ the following day).
This will ensure that you are covered for the duration of all travel.

Each traveller will need to purchase their insurance separately (per person).

The insurance will be available for anyone travelling to Samoa to purchase from the 1st July until the 31st July.

It is not a requirement from Waka Ama NZ that you purchase this insurance. However the Event Organisers have stipulated that all competitors must be covered by insurance for racing.  We recommend anyone travelling and not racing has travel insurance.


Contact [email protected]
