He mihi aroha ♡ Is there anyone you would like to thank? Big mihi to all my coaches Matahi, Orohena and Raipoia Brightwell as well as Kiwi Campbell and Sieda Tureia for putting up with me and making me the paddler i am today. And another mihi to all my family, friends and other supporters.
He mihi aroha ♡ Is there anyone you would like to thank? Ko ngā tai o mihi e rere atu ana ki te whānau whānui katoa i āwhina i poipoi i ahau ki roto i tēnei o ngā hākinakina. Mai i te whānau o Pckc whakawhiti atu ki Mareikura a i tū te waka ki Horouta. E kore e mimiti te puna aroha mō koutou.