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2017 Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Long Distance Nationals


Kakara Point (Perfume Point), Ahuriri (Napier)


Fri 13th Oct - Sun 15th Oct 2017




Te Uranga O Te Ra

Contact Details

Name: Te Uranga o Te Ra

Online Entries


Panui 3 is now online!!! Entries close Friday 22 September 2017  - enter through your club rep found here http://wakaama.co.nz/clubs/reps

Please ensure you read all panui - if you have any further patai contact [email protected]


  1. If your club has any special diet requirements please email [email protected] with the paddler name/team name and their respective race
  2. For catering purposes for the powhiri on Thursday 12 October please email [email protected] with your confirmed numbers


In complying with the Hawkes Bay Regional Council by-law, all paddlers must wear a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD) at all times while on the water. There will be no exceptions to this rule. In addition, paddlers 16yrs and under, regardless of race division, will not be permitted to wear inflatable life jackets/PFDs.

All inflatable life jackets/PFDs must be in good working order. Paddlers will be required to verify this as part of the waiver process in order to be eligible to race. We recommend servicing prior to the LDNs.  The safety team will perform random tests of inflatable life jackets/PFDs as part of the routine safety check (following link: https://goo.gl/U5nyQL).


  • Service your inflatable life jacket/PFD yourself prior to LDNs (follow link above)
  • If your gas cylinder is found to be corroded or used, your options are replace it, to manually inflate the life jacket/PFD and wear it inflated during the race (not ideal) or source another PFD (time permitting).
  • Practice prior to LDNs with the pull cord out so you do not accidentally activate it during the race.  All inflatable life jacket/PFD must have the pull cord out during races, ready to be used in case of an emergency.
  • If clubs are supplying paddlers with inflatable PFDs, be mindful of your obligations under the Health & Safety Act.  
  • The skipper/captain of crews on the water is responsible for the crew having correctly sized PFDs under Maritime law.  However, the safety team will also be check PFDs fit correctly also.

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