TEST SITE - wakaama.co.nz
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Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals


Winners of Front of Village Tent Site Allocations 

Congratulations! to the following schools who have been drawn and allocated a tent site at the front of the Village area. The site is 10m  x 6m. You will need to bring your own tent or Marque. Please see the Village Co-ordinator upon your arrival

  •             Fraser High School
  •            Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rito
  •             Te Kura Taumata o Panguru
  •             Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Tupoho
  •             Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Nga Uri a Maui 

Please remember to adhere to COVID Level 1 kaupapa

⚠️Wash your hands
⚠️Scan QR codes which will be all around the venue
⚠️Turn on Bluetooth tracing on the NZ COVID Tracer app
⚠️Stay home if you’re feeling unwell and get advice about a COVID-19 test
❤️ Be Kind

Helpful info for uploading paddler ID photos: https://helpdesk.enternowonline.com/books/enternow-for-schoolsclubs/page/uploading-id-photos

Here is the link to enter your login and password 

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