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Rotohoe Series 1 - Tarawera (Sanctioned)




Sat 25th Jul 2020




Ruamata Waka Ama Club

Contact Details

Name: Heeni Hope

Online Entries




For those who are ‘waewae tapu’ (newcomers) to Tarawera and need directions, look up Rangiuru Bay, Bay of Plenty 3076 (in Google Maps – see link below), look for Ted's Place, off Spencer Road. That's where the turn-off to Rangiuru Bay Reserve is.



COVID-19 Alert Level 1

  • It is compulsory for all sanctioned events to use the Waka Ama New Zealand Online Entry System. This will help with contact tracing systems.  However, many novice paddlers may not be in the System. So, on-the-day registrations MUST include the full name of all paddlers in a team and a contact phone no. and email for each team. 
  • As a part of our contact tracing system those who attend Te Rotohoe can ‘check in’ by filling in a paper form at the registration table.  This record of attendees includes kaiwhakahaere/volunteers, kaihoe, whānau and spectators.
  • Please practice good hygiene.  Hand sanitiser will be located at the registration table.  Liquid soap will be placed in the wharepaku (toilets). 
  • Anyone who is feeling sick should not attend Te Rotohoe.
  • We may be asked to postpone or cancel Te Rotohoe under the circumstance that a significant outbreak reoccurs, or if case numbers increase. 


Te Rotohoe ki Tarawera - Update


1. Registrations and payments

W1 entries and payments MUST be made online.  This is to ensure we get an accurate picture of how many W1 paddlers to cater for (so we can plan for support boats, etc. accordingly).  We also hope that this means we can start at 8 am sharp by not physically dealing with money for the first race of the day. 

W6 entries and payments can be done online or on the day, but we would prefer if you could use the online registration system.

Online payments can be made to: Ruamata Waka Ama Inc.


2. Te anu mātao/Be prepared for the cold!

The water temperature in Tarawera is around 11C - colder than many other areas and water bodies around Aotearoa.  Please do not underestimate the cold here.  Te Rotohoe support boats will do their utmost to react promptly to any incident, but ultimately each paddler should be familiar with capsize procedures, be adequately clothed, have easily-accessed and proper fitting PFDs.  This applies to W1 paddlers.  You must be practised at getting back onto/into your waka in the event of a capsize. 


3.     He kaupapa para-kore - Waste-free Rotohoe

Please support us to run a waste-free Rotohoe.  In order to achieve this we are asking that you take away with you anything that you bring e.g. kai packaging.

There is hot soup, parāoa and sausages on offer to paddlers after the races.  Please bring a cup (a coffee/reusable one).  We will have some mugs available if you forget (and a wash station to wash up).  We will also have paper serviettes to handle the parāoa & sausages, and a bag to collect the serviettes after use, but this is the only ‘waste’ we are planning for.  (Wharepaku ‘waste’ notwithstanding!)


3.     Maimoatia ō tātou rotomoana - Plea to stop catfish spread

Please wash and dry waka (and gear) before bringing them to Tarawera

(The following is an excerpt from https://www.rotorualakes.co.nz/plea-to-stop-catfish-spread)

Catfish are an unwanted pest threatening to ruin the renowned Rotorua Lakes and tributaries.

They feed on small native fish, trout and their eggs. Catfish also compete for food with other native species, including koura (freshwater crayfish). In high numbers, catfish can degrade water quality when they stir up sediments to feed, making water murky and unpleasant for lake users and wildlife.

With the help of our partners (Te Arawa Lakes Trust, Department of Conservation, Fish and Game, the University of Waikato, NIWA and Rotorua Lakes Council) and the local community we are determined to stop the spread of catfish.

You can help prevent aquatic pests like catfish from being spread in the Bay of Plenty by checking and cleaning all boating and other watersports equipment before using it in a different waterway, every time.


Nā mātou o Te Komiti

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