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NEW DATE: Hauraki Series 2020 - Race 4 Te Puru (Sanctioned)


Te Puru


Sat 10th Oct 2020




Te Aputa Tira Hoe

Contact Details

Name: Frank Thorne

Online Entries


Hauraki Series 2020 Race 4 - The final race

What an awesome day of racing here on the coast of Tīkapkapa Moana! Thank you to all the waka whānau who came to support and in turn empowered our moana. She appreciated the whanaungatanga  energy and wairua you gifted to her as you set out to race upon her.  There was a little bit of opportunity to play with some bumps, a few battles at the turn and on the finish line, lots of harti mahi on the water and to finish up a well-deserved kai. Thank you for all your emails received last night and the feedback given yesterday.

The Series is brought to you by our collective waka whānau - Te Āputa Tira Hoe, Whangamatā, Whitianga and Hauraki Waka Ama. Each venue is unique and gives you a taste of our coastal paradise within Te Tara o Te Ika a Māui.

Special mention to our volunteer whānau whom without none of this would be possible. Our Boat Co-ordinator and the Boaties, Safety Team, Photographers, Admin Teams, Parking Teams and the all important ringawera in the kitchen. No mussel fritters or chowder without their talents!  

A huge thank you to our Spot Prize Supporters Manaaki Made, Canyonz, Māori Spartan – You guys rock! We are proud to support our local whānau who are working hard to create awesome ventures for the kaupapa. Please make sure you go and like their pages and don’t forget to take photos of you in their gear and tag them in it.

Thank you to our sponsors for this final race – Pak n Save Thames, Hunting and Fishing Thames, Thames Coromandel District Council and of course our spot prize supporters.

And that’s a wrap whānau. The results for Race 4 and the medal results are attached. Don’t forget -  Cathedral Cove next weekend check it out and enter it!!! See you all next year! 

Results and Summer Series Medal Winners are attached


Tēnā koutou e te whānau
The fourth and final race for Hauraki Summer series is back and we can't wait to have you all back here in Hauraki. 

Te Āputa Tira Hoe will be hosting the grand finale along the Thames Coast. There will be a prize-giving presentation with medals and prizes. 

Please note that in accordance with the Waka Ama NZ COVID 19 Level 1 Policy and to keep all our whānau safe: 
  • If you are unwell please do not attend the event. 
  • There will be NO ENTRIES TAKEN ON THE DAY. All entries must be done online.
  • There will be sanitising stations available at the event
All race info can be found in the panui attached. 
Mauri ora whānau, see you all here on the Thames Coast in Te Puru

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