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Hauraki Series 2021 - Race 4 Whitianga (Sanctioned)


Cooks Beach, Whitianga


Sat 10th Apr 2021


8km - 16km


Whitianga Waka Ama Inc

Contact Details

Name: Whitianga Waka Ama

Online Entries


Event Update (8/04/2021)
Message from the event hosts: Kia ora paddlers, We are aware there is a bit of anxiousness regarding the weather for our event here in Cooks Beach this Sat 10th April. We are watching the forecast carefully as it is constantly changing. Our current forecast is showing 14 to 17 knots northerly and some showers. Cooks Bay due to its sheltered nature very rarely has unsafe conditions. At this stage all events are still going ahead but ALL W6’s must be prepared with skirts. We will be making a decision regarding J16s paddling by lunch time tomorrow. Our paddlers safety is our top priority and a course decision will be made on the morning with input from our safety boats and local coastguard.

Further updates here: Hauraki Summer Series Facebook

Hauraki Series 2021

Our collective whanau of clubs would like to welcome you to the Hauraki Series 2021. Together we join forces to bring you a series of 4 races in 4 different venues on four different types of water. Each venue has it's own set of challenges and will give you a taste of our slice of paradise in the rohe of Hauraki along the Peninsula that is known as Te Tara o Te Ika a Maui - the barb of the stingray of Maui! 
Race distance: 8-16km 
Must race 3 in 3 races to accumulate points
Medals, spot prizes and taonga for the series are given out at the final race for the series. 

Series Points: 1st – 4 Points | 2nd – 3 Points | 3rd – 2 Points
Series Final: will be held at Cooks Beach in Whitianga on the 10th April. Individuals and Crews must race in 3 races to accumulate points and be eligible for Medals.

How to enter: You must enter online through your club rep - THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATIONS ON THE DAY!
Payment: Once entered payment can be made online
Whitianga Waka Ama 02-0496-0127653-000
Please use your team name, race number and division as reference.

Race 4:
Host Club: Whitianga Waka Ama     
Date: 10th April 
Venue: Cooks Beach, Whitianga

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