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Aces Race (Sanctioned)


Panmure to Birkenhead, Auckland


Sat 16th Oct 2021


23km / 27km


Tamaki Outrigger Canoe Club

Contact Details

Name: Tamaki Outrigger Canoe Club

Regatta Cancelled

Sorry, but this regatta has been cancelled.

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Aces Race committee have made a collective decision, it is with an abundance of caution that we cancel the ‘Aces Race event’ on Saturday 16 October 2021 from Panmure Wharf to Birkenhead wharf. 

We were looking forward to hosting this amazing event in honour of Ace Cuthers with all our Waka Ama community in Aotearoa but due to the uncertainty surrounding the Covid pandemic here in Auckland and the rest of New Zealand the Health and well-being of all paddlers and whanau is paramount.  

The event will return in 2022.


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