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Mauao Ocean Hoe Series – Race 3 (Sanctioned)


Pilot Bay (Waikorire), Mount Maunganui


Sat 20th Nov 2021


10km and 18km


Hoe Aroha Whanau o Mauao

Contact Details

Name: Hoe Aroha Whanau O Mauao Outrigger Canoe Club

Online Entries


The last of our races for our Mauao Ocean Series is on the countdown! This will be it for 2021. Mauao Ocean Series Race 3 will be held on Saturday 20th November 2021.

RACE 1 - 8am-11am (Race start 930am) Please vacate by 11.15am

RACE 2 - 1130am-2pm (Race start 1230pm) Note an earlier start time

In saying that, this call goes out to all those paddlers to finish what you started, and another call to those who have yet to join us (it's never too late) come and paddle with us here on our Tauranga Moana waters, under the watchful guidance of Mauao and the Whanau O Hoe Aroha Waka Ama Club. 

You have all been top notch when it comes to COVID safe practices and we will presume L2 may still be upon us in a few weeks, SO..... because we are a level 2 sanctioned event our gentle reminders are as follows:

  • Contract tracing
  • Masks 
  • Sanitising 
  • Social distancing
  • Online Registrations only (note no last minute or on the day registrations)
  • Stay home if your sick 

Limited Edition Mauao Ocean Series Merch! 

Race Hats in Blue & White $25 

Race Stickers for your car, paddles, bags, etc $5 per sticker 

All payments can be deposited into Hoe Aroha Acc # 03 0374 0182793 00 either before the race or you can transfer on the day. No cash will be accepted sorry (due to covid restrictions)

Mauao Ocean Series 2021

Make payment to Hoe Aroha 03-0374-0182793-000 (Reference: Club & Team name)

Juniors (J19s) $20

Seniors $25

One fee only, can paddler multiple races

Race 1: Saturday 2 October 2021

Race 2: Saturday 30 October 2021

Race 3: Saturday 20 November 2021

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