TEST SITE - wakaama.co.nz

Congratulations to those paddlers who have qualified in the V1 to represent Aotearoa NZ at the IVF Va'a World Sprints - see attached list for paddlers by division

Click here to view Aotearoa NZ IVF World Sprints entries

V1 Paddler Profiles

Maia Campbell

Jack Cameron

Jessica Cameron

Gaylene Sciasica

Frances Piacun

Justin Roberts

Bobbie Barnett

Elite Reti

Maurice Marvin

Paddy Rimene

Maylene Papuni

Murray Marquet

Jan Blythe

Valentine (Val) Irwin

Gillian Tata-Henry

Chev Reti

Theo Vale

Ariana Gordon-Glassford

Liz Webster

Cheryl Grbic

Katrina Wooldridge

Jan Dixon

Rose Gilray

Lyle Pryor

Paul (Paora) Howe

Kane Soto

Sonia Ngahieki Stewart

Chelsea Reti
