TEST SITE - wakaama.co.nz
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World Sprints NZ Qualifying Event


Lake Karāpiro


Sat 9th Apr - Sun 10th Apr 2022




Waka Ama NZ

Contact Details

Name: Waka Ama NZ

Online Entries


Results for Day 1 are online now!

Watch the Livestream of W1 racing here - https://www.facebook.com/NZwakaamateam

The Schedule and Lane Draw for both days are now online. Please note this is changing as the updates from clubs come through. If you have any changes please contact [email protected]

Click here to view Matahina Booking times

Click here to view V1 entries by Event

Click here to view the World Sprints V1 Quota for Aotearoa NZ - updated to 2022 Quota

The deadline for adding and withdrawing paddlers from the event is the 5th of April

Thanks for your patience with this event - we are looking forward to seeing you all this weekend

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