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32nd Annual Portage Crossing (Sanctioned)


Okahu Bay, Tamaki Drive - Manukau Harbour, Mangere Bridge


Sat 24th Feb 2024




Portage Crossing Outrigging Canoe Club Inc.

Contact Details

Name: Portage Crossing
Mobile: 021 0330 884.

Online Entries


IMPORTANT CHANGE - for the 2024 event

This year's Portage Crossing road section will be a hikoi (walk) by all paddlers participating due to excessive road management costs. Please organise your waka trailers to be at Nga Hau Maiangi waka ama club Panama road. W1s can be transported on cars…

New Date! Saturday Feb 24th 2024

Portage Crossing welcome you to the 32nd Portage Crossing Regatta, a revival of the historic ancient Māori route, originally used by Hoturoa and the Tainui Waka. This crossing between the Waitemata and Manukau harbour was also utilised by the early settlers of Tamaki Makaurau when transporting their fishing boats between the harbours. This regatta starts at Okahu Bay, Auckland, which travels down the Tamaki estuary to Nga Hau Maiangi waka ama clubrooms.

Waka is then placed on trollies or single axis trailers and pushed through Portage Road Otahuhu to Mangere Inlet Manukau Harbour. Waka then races up the harbour to Mangere Bridge waterfront road reserve, where a family festival is in progress. Paddlers are welcomed by Tainui tribe and a Powhiri is held. Then prize giving happens with medals and prize money distributed to the winners and place getters. The day is completed by paddlers after having their hangi and drinks, while enjoying the entertainment on main stage.

This is an annual event that has been running for 31 years and is intended to be an event that educates our community about the first crossing achieved by the Tainui waka. With the novice section added recently, it offers something to all levels of waka ama paddlers. It also provides a warmup opportunity before the National long-distance Championship. The event is a full day of fun & competitive racing, spot prizes, live music, food vendors, free children rides and prize giving. We welcome you and your whānau to join us for this event.

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