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Papa Alf's Memorial Race - New date (Sanctioned)


North Shore Rowing Club, Lake Pupuke, Auckland


Sat 25th Nov 2023




Waitakere Outrigger Canoe Club Inc

Contact Details

Name: Waitakere Outrigger Canoe Club

Online Entries


NEW DATE - Saturday November 25th - Updated details below
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
Due to the many kaupapa that our whānau are involved in we will postpone the Papa Alf Memorial Race 2023 to December (new date to be confirmed). Our mokopuna and whānau are busy with sporting and cultural commitments at the moment.
Please if you have paid monies for registration or your hangi and would like a refund contact me and we will gladly return your pūtea otherwise we will credit forward. I'm confident the Regatta will take place and whānau will be better positioned to ensure that their tamariki can participate.
Waitakāre Outrigger Canoe Club thanks you for your understanding.

Ngā mihi nui.
Tahuri Tumoana
Club Captain

Papa Alf Memorial Junior Regatta 2023

He hōnore he kōroroia he maungarongo ki runga i te whenua he whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa.
Ka tangi ki ngā mate huhua o ngā tau, koutou kua huri tūāra ki te pō, ki te mūrau a te tini ki te winirau a te mano.

Tākiri ana te haeata ki runga i ngā wai kōriporipo o te Waitemata, he tohu aroha, he whakamaumaharatanga ki te hunga kua ngaro. Haere moe mai, tātou e ngā kanohi ora, tēna koutou tihei Mauri Ora.

The Papa Alf memorial Race is an opportunity for our up-and-coming future waka ama champions of Tāmaki Makaurau to get together before we kick into regionals and nationals mode.

It is also a chance to for coaches and managers, whānau and clubs to get teams registered and sorted, a muster of sorts across the region with a fun day to be had.

Races are for juniors 16 and down to our taitamariki.

W6     Straight 250m sprints

Cost if $5 per paddler - $30 per team.

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