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Te Waka o Aoraki Regional Sprint Champs (Sanctioned)


South Eyre Lake, Eyrewell


Sat 9th Dec 2023




Te Waka o Aoraki

Contact Details

Name: Te Waka o Aoraki

Online Entries


E ngā waka, e ngā reo, e ngā tai e whā o Te Waka o Aoraki
Nau mai, tauti mai ki te whakataetae waka ama o te motu nei i tēnei tau
Kei raro i te maru o Maukatere, te taha hoki o te awa hoki o Waimakariri
Rātou ki a rātou e ngā mate kuawheturangitia, tātou ki a tātou e ngā kanohi ora

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Te Waka o Aoraki welcome paddlers from around the region to the 2023 Te Waka o Aoraki Regional Sprint
Championships to be held at South Eyre Lake on Saturday the 9th of December 2023. 

This is the qualification event for paddlers wishing to race in a W1 and/or the Regional W12 at the 2023 Waka Ama National Sprint Championships to be held at Lake Karapiro from 14th – 20th January 2024.

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