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Te Puku O Te Ika Regional Sprint Champs - 2 days (Sanctioned)


Tēnā koutou e te whānau!
Regional Sprints is here and we are looking forward to having all of our Te Puku o Te Ika Kaihoe back here at Lake Karapiro for what will be an epic weekend of regional racing. Please make sure you open and read pānui 1 - 2024 Event Information - for more in depth information about the event.

A few important notes:
1) All divisions will be provided up to 3 races. Turns races will be prioritised as a means of providing practice on the Nationals course for the W6 teams. Races may be changed to straight races (no turns) should the programme run behind time.

2) Fee Change - Please note due to significant event cost increases over the past few years we have increased the event fees. We offer 3 races for teams attributing to effectively $6.66 per race for Juniors and $10 per race for Premier to M80. We still consider this value for money given that paddlers are racing on a World Class venue and course.

3) Volunteers - no event is possible without volunteers, please share the love by encouraging whānau to jump in and volunteer over the weekend. Clubs are encouraged to provide at least 2 volunteers for the entire weekend. Here is the link to the volunteer form https://forms.gle/8dzybdH4LHZz75op9 please share it out to your clubbies and support whānau.

4) Pānui 2 will provide more information about waitlisting for singles racing.

W1 Entry Fee (Saturday Racing)
Intermediate, J16, J19 $20 per paddler
Premier through to Master 80 $40 per paddler
Premier W1 Dash 250m $10 per paddler

W6 Fee (Sunday Racing)
Taitama / Taitamahine, Intermediate, J16, J19 = $120 per crew.
Premier through to Master 80 = $180 per crew

Any queries please contact us @ [email protected]

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