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Waikato Waka Regatta


Lake Puketirini, Huntly


Sat 11th Dec 2010



Contact Details

Name: Rangimarie
Mobile: 02102237155


Waikato Waka Ama Clubs have combined and will be holding a Regatta at Lake Puketirini in Huntly, on Saturday 11th December, 2010.

The regatta was initiated as a way to whakawhanaunga (as part of TPOTI) amongst the following clubs, and a way to further provide opportunity for our paddlers to race and enjoy the sport of waka ama:-

- Turangawaewae Waka Sports
- Rahui Pokeka Waka Sports
- Waikato Waka Ama Sports
- Waikato Dragon Boat Association and Waikato Waka Ama
- Te Toki Voyaging
- Nga Tai Whakarongo
- Whaingaroa (in support of the kaupapa)

We thank the Mighty River Power Partnership Committee, Waikato Tainui and Radio Tainui, for the support and belief in our kaupapa.

We invite whanau to come and enjoy the day with us. Otherwise, See you all at Nationals. For further information, please ring Rangimarie on 02102237155.

Kia ora ano,

Rangimarie Morgan
Waikato Waka Regatta Komiti

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