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New Zealand Post Long Distance Waka Ama Nationals 2011




Fri 7th Oct - Sun 9th Oct 2011


Long Distance


Te Uranga O Te Ra

Contact Details

Name: Tim

Online Entries


E ngā mana, e ngā reo, koutou ngā whakatairanga hoe waka huri noa te motu, tēna koutou katoa. Tēnā koutou me a tātau mate, rātau kua huri kē te kei o te waka ki tua o te pae, e kore a muri e hokia. Rātau te hunga kua wheturangitia ki a rātau, tahuri tonu mai ki a tātau ngā kaihautū e oreore nei, tēnā koutou katoa.

Nau mai, haere mai rā ki te Tairāwhiti. Hoea mai rā ngā ara rau ki Tūranganui-a-Maru, ki Tūranganui-a-Rua, ki Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. Whakatau mai ki te ūnga mai o ngā waka o ngā tīpuna, o Te Ikaroa a Rauru, o Horouta, o Tākitimu, horahia mai te mana ki tēnei whakataetae a-waka. Inā kē tōna nui, inā kē tōna hira, ae rā te tihe te mauri me te ora, auē e hika ka mau te wehi!

On behalf of Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa, it is our privilege to hold this year’s Long Distance National Waka Ama Championships in Te Uranga o Te Ra. We welcome all paddlers coming to compete on our waters.

This is the first of a series of panui for these championships and provides basic entry information, race programme & course details and accommodation options. There will be more detail added as information is confirmed for us locally.

SUP Entries: SUP Entries Here

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