As you may all be aware there is a current situation relating to the waterways in the Waikato.
There is a link below to the New Zealand Herald articles about the Toxic Algae Bloom problem in the Waikato, explaining some of the symptoms and affects that may be caused.
Environmental NZ has placed a ban on swimming in the Waikato River. I have been out to the lake twice today and there is a current warning on the use of the lake, but no ban as yet.
All competitors and members of NKOA need to be aware of the impact of the situation and the affects of the toxic algae bloom.
Environmental NZ has advised that tests on the lake are continuing and results will be available on Monday.
NKOA organising committee will meet at the venue tomorrow to discuss our event and any contingency plans that may be required. We will also endeavour to keep you updated through e-mail as well as this website.
Take Care and have a good day....