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Postponement of Hui

A hui was scheduled for 19 January 2003, following the nationals.

The purpose of this hui was to announce the incoming executive and discuss agenda items carried over from the general meeting held in Wanganui.

A quorum was not reached and the hui was postponed to 8/2/03 to announce the results of the election as well as the other items.

Since then Charmaine Matiaha has advised nominees of the results of the election. For those regional reps and club reps that have not been advised, the results are as follows:

President: Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr
Vice Pres: Colene Herbert
Secretary: Maggie Greening
Treasurer: Louise Henderson

On behalf of NKOA we would like to thank George and Sara for their expertise and contribution to the development of NKOA during their term in office. We wish them well and look forward to hopefully working with them again sometime in the future.

In discussion with Hotu, a decision has been made to cancel the hui on the 8/2/03 and instead hold a Council Hui on 1 March 2003.

The intention is for regions to meet to discuss the items listed below and a report to be fed back via regional reps to council at the 1/3/03 hui:

* Marathon Race Rule additions/changes
* Sprint Race Rule additions/changes
* Corrina Gage's proposal to set a Marathon Season
* Constitution ammendments/changes

A full agenda for council hui on 1/3/03 will be out to regional reps next week.