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Cook Strait Crossing

Well what a big day we had. It was hard, It was picturesque, but mostly it was long.

We had 8 team's racing on the day and we thank the weather gods were looking out for us as the weather was awesome for this time of the year.

We had to make a call to tow some of the waka in before the sun set on us. It was not what we wanted to do but safety was our number one aim.

Therefore we only had two teams that actually finished and they were :

Mean DNA with a time of 7:55:33
Mana Pacifica with a time of 8:56:16

Other teams that entered were Who's Yo Dady (Wellington), Pu Ha Crew (Motueka), Team Take (Wellington), Pacific Ring (Wellington), Team Avaiki (Wellington), and Dux and Go (Waikato).

I again wish to thank everyone again that has entered in this event as well as all the event assistants.

Here are some photos of the day
[Link no longer exists]
