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NKOA - Election of President

NKOA - Election of President

At its hui on Saturday 22 November the NKOA Council received the resignation of Hotu Kerr as President of NKOA.

Hotu's work and family commitments have made it impossible for him to continue as President, and his resignation has been accepted with regret.

Hotu has been a valued leader of our sport since his original election as President in 1995. His experience and ability, including his invaluable skills in waka and general cultural areas, will be missed. Hotu has offered to assist in whatever way he can in a capacity outside NKOA. We will certainly take up that offer. In the meantime, all our waka ama whanau thank him for his contribution.

Hotu's resignation leaves a vacancy as President. NKOA rules allow for the Council to make an appointment to an Executive position. However, due to the importance of the position, and the fact that there is still two years to run on the current term, the Council has resolved to conduct an election for the new President. This election will be conducted as follows.

  1. Regions are now requested to forward nominations for President. Please note that NKOA rules allow for one nomination only from each region. Nominations are to be sent to the NKOA Secretary at [email protected] Closing date will be December 20 2003. Nominations should be accepted by the person nominated, and they should be made aware that this position requires attendance at 4 - 6 Council meetings per year, as well as national and other events and other responsibilities for administration of NKOA, which will average at least 2 - 4 hours per week. At present, NKOA is able to meet travel expenses only for these responsibilities. On the plus side, this is a challenging and rewarding opportunity to be involved, with many other dedicated people, in one of Aoteoroa's fastest growing sports.
  2. A CV and any other material supporting the nomination should accompany nominations.
  3. Nominations received will be immediately circulated back to all regions before Christmas. Regions votes are to be received by Maggie in a sealed envelope, closing date 5pm 16 January 2004 - the Friday of National Sprints week. Regions may vote for one person only, but this need not necessarily be the person that region nominated. In accordance with NKOA rules each region has the equivalent number of votes according to the number of affiliated clubs in that region. In other words, say AROCA with 14 clubs will have the equivalent 14 votes for the person they are voting for.
  4. The elected President will be announced on Saturday 17 January - the last day of the Nationals.
  5. In the event that no nominations are received the NKOA Council will itself nominate and appoint a person to the position. This would be done, if at all possible, by January 17.