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NZ Paddler Pasifika Magazine Issue#3 Update

How's the paddling coming along, it's only early in the year and there has been alot of paddling done already and there is still more to go

Talofa Lava everyone,

I'm sure I am not only one anxious to getting on the startline for some of the bigger races like Tauranga, Hauraki Hoe and the National Marathons. For some of us it is just improving on last years efforts which is all good.

I hope everyone has been looking after themselves well, it's a big season ahead of us and so it's important that we look after ourselves, just remember to keep aside some time for relaxation and most important, time with the aiga, the whanau, the family.

Now the update on NZ Paddler Pasifika Issue#3 is unfortunately there will be a delay before issue #3 is distributed due to my work committmentswith the Police which is always my priority due to the youth that I have to work with, so I'll be out of Auckland for a couple of weeks.

I have also moved house and so I have left my new contact details below, those details below at this moment are temporary so if anyone needs to contact me, you could either email me or call me on my mobile phone. The magazine is three quarters complete but as mentioned I must put the magazine on hold, so it will be out as soon as it is complete.

Thank you all for your patience up to now, I like you am anxious to seeing the finished product of the third issue but what can I say is that the W6 & W1 Nationals, NZ Secondary Schools races are all included in the next issue as well as the regular featured articles plus more!

There are so many awesome photo's of the Nationals supplied mainly by PictureNZ, Carlene Harris and some shots I took myself, as well many other pictures.

So once again thank you for your patience and support towards NZ Paddler Pasifika, Outrigger canoeing can only grow stronger when we look after one another.

Fa'afetai lava,


John Papalii
Editor - NZ Paddler Pasifika
6 Nixon St
[email protected]