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NKOA - Extra Quota for Hilo

NKOA - Extra Quota for Hilo

Confirmation of the extra quota for Hilo World Sprints

Kia ora koutou

I have just received confirmation from Hilo for the extra quota for all divisions.

IVF have advised that there are no additional V1 quota for any country.

The only divisions that still have excess teams waiting for quota are the Open Men/Women and the Master Women. All other divisions with extra quota teams are now confirmed.

There are 3 Open Men, 3 Open Women and 3 Master Women crews that will miss out. To ensure that these teams are still considered, the following teams confirmed in these divisions must:

1. Advise that you accept the position by the end of today, Friday 19/3/04.

2. Pay the balance of the deposit $80 by Monday 22 March 2004 - no dispensation. You must confirm your deposit with me by producing your deposit receipt by Monday (either e-mail or fax to 04 5662936).

3. Your registration fee is non-refundable should you withdraw.

As of Tuesday, 23 March if any teams have not confirmed their acceptance and deposit, will forfeit their quota position and this will be offered to the next in line.


Open Men
Te Au Rere - Team Goodyear
Mareikura - Dirt n' Surf

Open Women
Hauraki Sports - Te Wai Amohia
Rangaunu - Hine Mua

Master Women
Waitakere - Master Women
Tu Nui A Te Ika - Kiwi Kaihoe
