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Results - Lake Rotoma 12km

What a great day of racing had by all. The rain could not even keep them away.

The series is growing from race to race. We had massive 32 different six-man teams race on the day. Awesome to see some new crews come and enjoy our lakes. Tell all your paddler friends about the next one, so we can make this a first-rate annual outrigger series.

The junior division has grown into 10 crews, which is great to see, keep it up. The Te Toki Hillbillies are still dominating that one, as well as getting 3rd in the open men's.

The women's OC1 & OC2 division was a bit thin on it, due to the deluge, which was far enough. We?ll be expecting a comeback at the next race.

Thanks to Mana Men for making the long haul up the country and posting the fastest time, 53:10 nice work.

A big thanks to all competitors for making this a great series. Look forward to seeing you all again in four weeks time. Lake to be advised.

See Picture NZ website for more pictures of the event

Lake Rotoma W1 Start

Lake Rotoma W6 Start

Lake Rotoma - Te Toki Hillbillies
