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2004 Hilo Worlds Travellers

2004 Hilo Worlds Travellers

NKOA have just been advised today by Stars Travel that there is a possibility that all those travelling as a competitor MAY have to apply for a VISA.

Stars Travel are currently workin with the Consulate to get clarification around the requirements and will inform us as soon as they have the information. At the end of 2003 there wasn't a problem and the issue has only been raised in the past week as USA tighten up their security measures..

If you have a conviction (it doesn't matter how long ago), you are required to apply for a visa immediately. You can call the Consulate on 090087847 for further information on application processes and timeframes etc. (you are unable to access this number on a cellphone or public phone).

We will update you as soon as we have been advised by Stars Travel.