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Results - Roto Hoe Tikitapu 11km

The racing was hot, but the southerly wind kept us cool. Another good turn out on the day with most of the regions clubs represented.

Some real tough battles on the water with teams reaching for the extra points needed to place them in the top three.

All photos of the day are on Picture New Zealand web site so check them out. www.picturenz.co.nz

What a great series it has been, I am stoked that the outrigging community has come from all over Aotearoa to compete in this inaugural event and paddle these beautiful resources we have in this region.

A big shout out to our series sponsor Te Wananga o Aotearoa for their support throughout the series,
positive things have come from it. Thanks also to all the other companies and whanau that have sown into the
sport in one-way or another.

Hillbillies from Te Toki showed that they are a strong young team with a future in the sport by taking out the Junior Men division and placing Second in the Open Men. Local Lakes high girls from Te Au Rere Waka Ama club once again blitzed the field to win their divisions title.

The Te Toki Heathens won the highly competitive Open Men division, with Mareikura Wahine following suit in the Open Women. Competition was just as tough in the masters. Ka Whati from Te Au Rere where overall champions and dadz master womens took out the womens. The Luv Boat from Mareikura completely dominated the Open Mixed, plenty of work for those other crews to do before next year.

The Open Men OC2 was a tight tough bit of competition with many a sprint to the finish. Two of the Ka Whati Crew formed Mata Nui to take out this one. With a special mention to our only mixed crew Tui Tui finishing second overall. The Maketu Ladies also finished on top in the Open Women OC2. Nice work.

Rapoia Brightwell from Mareikura showed her finesse once again with her overall win in the Open women section.

Congratulations to the Thomas whanau. George lead the way by winning the Master OC1+ being a key member of
the Ka Whati team, Tyrin won the Open OC1 + working hard for The Luv Boat and Dale was apart of the lakes
high junior girls that won their division. Sandra helped Crazy Cats secure their second place in the open mixed.

Awesome to see outrigging in such great form.

Thanks once again to everybody that battled the cold, took their get-hard pills and raced month after month.
This series is nothing with out you. We look forward to seeing you all at the Mokoia Island race in two weeks and all over this beautiful country of ours throughout the year ahead. From the crew in Team Goodyear, till next year, paddle hard and will see you on the water.

