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Hilo 2004 - World Sprints Uniform

Hilo 2004 - World Sprints Uniform

No national uniform will be provided for teams attending the Hilo Worlds.

A uniform supplier had been sourced. However, despite much effort from your NKOA representatives, sponsorship funding has not come through.

Rather than require teams to pay for the uniforms, a decision has been made not to have a national uniform for teams at this Worlds.

It is understood that this will be hugely disappointing to the New Zealand contingent, and NKOA regrets any inconvenience this will cause in team’s preparations over the next few weeks.

Teams will now need to source their own uniforms. It is expected most teams will wear their club uniform, but this is not compulsory. IVF rules state that all team members must wear the same top. There is no below the waist requirement. If hats are worn, everyone must wear one, and they must be the same.

There are no particular sponsorship requirements, apart from the normal no-alcohol, no-tobacco rule. However it is strongly suggested that you check that your sponsor does not conflict with a Hilo sponsor (see their website for details).

For W1 paddlers, NKOA will still be providing a national uniform, as per previous Worlds. Those competitors will be contacted in the next few days for sizing.