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2006 Paddler Selection Process

2006 Paddler Selection Process

The 2006 paddler selection process is now underway. Nominations have been received for Head Coaches/Selectors and the appointments will be announced shortly.

Paddler nominations are also coming in. Paddlers are reminded that these need to be submitted by December 15.

The selection committee apologises for not having included reference to the kuia and kaumatua divisions in previous panui. There will definitely be kuia and kaumatua divisions at the 2006 Worlds. Paddlers who wish to qualify in those categories are therefore invited to put a paddler nomination form in.

W2 time trials for nominated paddlers will be held during the 2005 nationals week. Please note that the trials are likely to begin on the Wednesday of that week. Details exactly when the trials will held will be provided in late December after all nominations have been received, but in the meantime paddlers who are trialling should be prepared if necessary to be at the venue by the Wednesday.

The W2 time trial will be held over 400 metres. If at all possible the same waka and steerer (or at least same weight steerer) will be provided for each age category. Paddlers will not be permitted to use their own steerer or waka. Also, this is a time trial, not a race – it is unlikely that two paddlers from the same age category will be trialling at the same time.

We need W2 waka for the time trials (10 total if possible). If you have a W2 in good condition (including working rudder mechanism) that you can bring, we would very much appreciate it. Sit in rather than sit on designs only please. A hireage fee of $150 per waka will be paid. The waka will be protected from damage and made secure at the venue by formal agreement. Please contact Peter Reaburn at [email protected]. if you can help out.