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Results - Te Au Rere Roto Hoe

Results - Te Au Rere Roto Hoe

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa. A huge thanks to all those awesome people who turned up to paddle at Lake Rotoma for another great day of competition, as part of the Roto Hoe 2005.

We acknowledge the distance that you travel and appreciate you being part of this event.

The weather was great, the paddling even better and the races a great sight for the on-shore spectator.

We had 38 teams entered across the race categories, with some doing 2 of the 3 races on offer. All competitors were well fed and cared for after the races and the smiles on all your faces completed the feel of the day.

As usual, the well-contested Open Mens and Master Mens categories provided some healthy competition, especially at the start! All other categories were well represented and good races had by all.

We had our Roto Hoe Photographers, Mereana and Henrietta out there doing their stuff, so we should be seeing some great photos of the event on the web shortly.

Te Au Rere look forward to hosting you again in another months’ time, so keep checking the website and we’ll see you for another exciting competition.

Keep safe on the water, train hard and see you at the next one.

On behalf of Te Au Rere Waka Ama Club, we would like to acknowledge the support of Te Waiariki Purea Trust for their support of this series, and also to Te Wananga o Aotearoa who so kindly allow us to use their waka.
