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Te Au Rere Roto Hoe


Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake), Rotorua


Sat 23rd Apr 2005




Te Au Rere Waka Ama Club

Contact Details

Name: Ally Rogers
Phone: 07 362-8091


Nau Mai, Haere Mai
ki Rotohoe a Tikitapu

Your hosts: Te Au Rere Waka Ama Club, Rotorua

Once again, welcome to the next Roto Hoe which is being paddled on Lake Tikitapu. This lake has its’ own taniwha who pursued a beautiful young girl. Her tiki came loose from around her neck and fell into the lake. It was unable to be retrieved as it was being guarded by the Taniwha. This gave the lake its’ name of Tikitapu.

To make registrations easier for you, we have attached the entry forms. Fill it out and email it back to Ally at [email protected]

Make sure you enjoy your paddling on this beautiful lake that reflects different hues of blue on its’ water. See you all on the water.

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