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Fiji International

While at home, sitting out the last days of summer, I started planning my first paddling trip for the year. The Fiji International, in Suva.

From the beginning, I knew this was not going to be just another paddling trip or a holiday. Having two Fijian born paddlers on the team was going to be an experience in its self.

This trip was not only about the racing, it was about meeting and eating with the locals, going to the favourite swimming spots and finding the best surf spots.

The Fiji International was held over the Easter break. Over the 3 days of racing the events consisted of V1 & V6 sprints and marathons. The competition began with the 500m & 2500m heats, and finished up with the event finals on the second day. And finally on Monday, the competition ended with the marathon events.

Our team, "Maumahara", in memory of Bo Herbert, was made up of the diverse group of paddlers: Mario, Peter & Victor (Auckland), Horiata (Gisborne), Lance (Rotorua), Mike (Hastings). Also travelling with us, we had our support staff and cheering squad, which included: Tina (chiropractor), Barbara (massage therapist), and Kalisi (local knowledge).

During the races we met the Aussies from Mooloolaba, as well as the locals from the Kai Wai and Ocean Pacific clubs. With the Aussies bringing over four Junior teams, the competition between themselves became the heat of excitement for all those watching.

As for us Kiwis, knowing that the sprints are a major part of canoe racing, we showed that our experience out weighed all the others. Well, that is except for the first timer Peter in the V1, who never managed to actually cross the finish line. While starting the race in lane one, and paddling as hard as possible, he eventually ended up on the beach, 100m from the finish line with a grin on his face. I’m sure you all remember your first time trying to control a rudderless canoe. After asking the boys for advice on how to paddle rudderless, and only getting a laugh as a response, what did he expect? We just wanted to see what lane he would finally end the race in. Its all part of being the new guy on the team.

Having a break from racing on Easter Sunday , the team took time out to relax, Fiji style. Soaking up the sun rays and cooling off in the ocean or swimming in the waterfalls while drinking ice cold Fiji Bitter Beer seemed to be the favourite for most.

The marathons on Monday brought another relaxed yet hot day. Mike and Mario took the opportunity to race in that morning’s V1-16km event. With the strong competition by Ants, the Fiji local V1 champ, Mike finished in a close 2nd place. Later that afternoon, the V6 marathon races started off fast and furious. The teams were going strong for the first few km’s, until the heat of the air and water started to have an effect on the body and mind. Everyone knew that hydration and determination were going to be key to getting through the race.

At the end of the day, and the end of all the races, with a keg a Fiji Bitter for all the competitors, everyone sat and watched the sun go down over the Suva harbour, talking with new friends about where our next paddling adventure would take us.

By Lance Roozendaal & Tina Leone