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Worlds 2006 - Men's Selection Process

Worlds 2006 - Men's Selection Process

Rankings have been updated following the recent 2km time trials.

This will not necessarily be the final rankings list. Every opportunity is being given for paddlers to perform. Rankings will be revised again following the 1km time trials being held around the regions over the next couple of weeks. A final rankings list will be compiled about August 20 after the last series of 500m time trials.

So it is still not too late to get on the rankings list. But it will be necessary now for paddlers to do better in time trials than paddlers already on the list. The only way to do that is to attend the time trials.

It should also be pointed out that some paddlers who are currently on the ranking list did not do the 2km time trial – their rankings are based on previous performances. To avoid being moved off the rankings list these paddlers should ensure they attend at least one of the two time trials to be conducted before August 20.

Why is this rankings list important? The top 40 ranked paddlers in each age division as at August 20 will be asked to attend the men’s training camp at Lake Rotoiti on the weekend of 24/ 25 September. That camp is a major part of the World’s selection process. Further details on the camp will be available shortly. Paddlers should be making that time available now, as attendance will be compulsory.

For any enquiries, contact your closest NKOA coach/ selector. See also for further information the Worlds 2006 Campaign panui which was posted on the website 27 May.

Te Uranga O Te Ra
Brian Wilson
[email protected]
ph 06 867-1600

Te Puka O Te Ika
Lance Roozendaal
[email protected]

South Island/ Hoe Tonga
Brett Annan
[email protected]
ph 0272 221198

Jean Tetohu
[email protected]
ph 09 834 3845

Tai Tokerau (contact)
Kay Ratana
[email protected]

Peter Reaburn (overall convenor/ selector)
[email protected]
ph 0274 479 248
