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Notice - 2006 - NKOA Waka Ama Club Sprint Champs

Notice - 2006 - NKOA Waka Ama Club Sprint Champs

Notice regarding world and regional teams entering into the 2006 - NKOA Waka Ama Club Sprint Champs

Tena tatou katoa

Tena koutou nga kaihoe o Aotearoa nei, e noho ana i nga paihau o te motu i raro i nga karangatanga o tena whakatipuranga, o tena whakatipuranga. Mihi ana ki nga tini aitua kua wehe atu ki a tu o te arai, moe mai, moe mai, moe mai ra, ratou ki a ratou. Ki a tatou te hunga ora kia kaha ra te whai ake tenei kaupapa whakahirahira, na nga tupuna i tuku iho.

I have been advised that there is an intention to have 'world teams' participate in the 2006 National Waka Ama Sprint Championships under 'a club umbrella'. While this action may have some well-meaning purpose it could have dire consequences at club level.

We are all well aware that our clubs are the grassroots of our sport and it is at this level we see paddlers, officials and supporters working together for a common purpose. It allows all clubs to be the best that they can, where the measure of their efforts can be pitted and measured against other clubs at regional and in particular our National Events.

Club officials and paddlers work tirelessly throughout the year preparing for the opportunity to race their respective age grade teams at the National Sprint Event. It is at our national events where clubs show themselves and measure their preparation against other clubs. Nationally selected teams cut across the fabric of clubs.

We are aware of and have a process in place to put together national teams for international events - the Worlds in March being our focus. But racing national teams at a club-based event demeans and cuts across the spirit of our National Sprint Event. It would also fail to recognise the efforts of many club members who work unselfishly for their clubs and paddler community. It would also be highly likely that due credit of the time and effort that the respective club coaches have expended on the base work to mould and develop paddlers would escape public and national recognition and acknowledgement.

National club teams could be detrimental to this National Sprint Event as they tend to take the best paddlers from clubs and consequently the affected clubs are left scrambling to fill the gaps left which in turn lowers the clubs possibility of performing at a higher and more competitive level at the National Sprints.

What is to happen to paddlers who race in a National club team after the Worlds????

The National Selection committee advise that there is sufficient time [two months] after the National Sprints to hone and sharpen the National Teams for the 2006 World Event in March next year.

They have also advised that those National teams who wish to race at Nationals would be better tested against other nationally selected teams at further training camps leading up to the worlds. I would ask that our National coaches discuss this point urgently and work collaboratively for a better national and international outcome.

I urgently request that those coaches who are considering racing National 'club teams' at the 2006 National Sprint Event recognise the clubs who could be affected/ marginalised by such action and in the true spirit of Aotearoa sportsmanship leave the National Sprints for our clubs.

To finish on a more positive note, congratulations to all paddlers, coaches, coordinators and whanau support for the time and effort and commitment you have given to our sport. While we have the National Sprints looming up quickly I know you still have your sights and focus on the Operation Golds outcomes in March 2006. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.

Heoi ano
Tu te Hoe
Na George Skudder