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Notice - Accomodation for Tahitian paddlers

Request from Tahiti paddlers for accomodation for the World Sprints.

Got an email from Ruahatu canoe club in Tahiti (15 people, men and women paddlers and support crew).

They request support with accomodation for the World Sprints.

Their preference would go to share accomodation with Maori paddlers on marae, or otherwise.

Cost is not a problem. They just wanted to be able to mix with Maori paddlers, and be able to share their own Tahitian culture.

Ruahatu canoe club is a well known waka ama club in Tahiti, and they have raced in just about every World Sprints.

They do well mainly in their Master / Senior Master women divisions. They are a lovely bunch of people, and have hosted NZ paddlers racing in Tahiti in the past..

If anyone is interested, contact:

Raipoia Brightwell
Ph 06-8676727 (hm)
Ph 06-8679119 ext 8714 (wk)
Email : [email protected]

And I will put them in contact with Charley Maitere, President of Ruahatu canoe club. Charley is also one of the main organisers of the famous 'Aito' and 'Super Aito' one man long distance canoe event in Tahiti.

Raipoia Brightwell