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World Sprints - NKOA Squads (Update)

World Sprints - NKOA Squads (Update)

The NKOA Squad lists are now available. Congratulations to those who have been selected as the top paddlers to represent Aotearoa in national teams for the World Sprints.

Paddler lists only are given on the list posted with this panui.

Head Coaches have put a lot of thought in to team combinations and in most cases shadow teams or at least smaller squads of paddlers have been put together. This information will be circulated through coaches and managers shortly. A full list of contacts will also be placed on this website early next week, together with some further information from coaches.

Coaches will also shortly circulate training programmes from now until the Worlds. All paddlers will be expected to follow these programmes, and also any instructions from the official NKOA coaches and managers listed below. Please do not ask for or accept advice or information from anyone else other than an official NKOA coach or manager. All previous club and region-run processes associated with the Worlds are now over. All procedures from now on will be run by the NKOA programmes.

Training programmes will be run from several different parts of the country, depending on where paddlers are located. There will also be central training camps for some teams, which paddlers need to be prepared to attend. Paddlers will be advised of these arrangements.

Good communication is essential, but communication is a two-way exercise and you have to take your part. Don't expect to have your question answered unless you ask the question!

It should be obvious to all selected paddlers that their place in the squads is dependant on them doing the required training and being in a position form-wise come March next year that meets the expectations of the coaches and selectors.

Some paddlers who wanted to go to the Worlds and who have been very committed through the trials process have missed out on selection. We thank you for your efforts and hope that you will support your teammates and clubmates who have been successful. We also hope that you will keep up your training, as there is a possibility we would want to bring you into the squads if, for whatever reason, a vacancy becomes available.

NKOA Official Coaches and Managers

J16 Women
Coaches - Head Coach Kiwi Takao (Gisborne); Assistant Coaches Donna Happy (Auckland) Matahi Brightwell (Gisborne)

Managers - Squad 1* Tim Marshall (Gisborne), Lynda Thompson (Tauranga); Squad 2 Sandra Thomas (Rotorua), Leona Raroa (Gisborne); Squad 3 Alf Pukepuke (Auckland), Trina Vela (Auckland)

J19 Women
Coaches - Head Coach Kiwi Takao (Gisborne); Assistant Coaches Donna Happy (Auckland) Matahi Brightwell (Gisborne)

Managers - Squad A* Carol Destounis (Gisborne), John Kamana (Gisborne); Squads B and C to be confirmed

J16 Men
Coaches - Head Coach Grunter Bliss; Assistant Coaches Rob Nuku, Matahi Brightwell

Managers - Trina Vela (Auckland), Helen Messenger (Rotorua), Justine Nuku (Gisborne), Keiha Waikari (Gisborne), Campbell Dewes (Gisborne), Mareikura Brightwell (Wellington)

J19 Men
Coaches - Head Coach Matahi Brightwell (Gisborne); Assistant Coaches Roly Puke (Hamilton ), Mareikura Brightwell (Porirua), Josef Tomasi (Auckland)

Managers - John Chaffey (NKOA 1, NKOA 2), Ashley and Hinerua Coates (NKOA 3), NKOA 4 / 5 / 6 to be advised

Senior Men
Coaches - Brian Wilson (Gisborne), Jean Tetohu (Auckland), Lance Roozendaal (Rotorua), Brett Annan (Wellington), Howard Hyland (Whakatane - Golden Masters)

Managers - Selena Katene (Wellington), Jan Nicholson (Auckland), Marie Anderson (Auckland), Russell Ujdur (Northland)

Senior Women
Coaches - Head Coach Corrina Gage; Assistant Coaches Ben Finau (Auckland), Howard Hyland (Whakatane), Tina Kearns (Wellington)

Managers - Marinna Millanta-Mowrey (Wellington), Rebecca Ryder (Tauranga), Maryanne Hoosen (Russell), Criss Strange (Hamilton)

NKOA Contact

Peter Reaburn
