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Mitamitaga Ole Pasefika regatta - 3rd December

An early morning start for the Mitamitaga club with set up of tents, rigging of waka...

Powhiri was at 8.30am followed by a memorial paddle to the middle of Kowharewa Bay from all clubs and waka, it was an awesome sight.

The memorial was to acknowledge Bo & Chissy Herbert and Wendy Anderson, We had karakia on the water with flowers given to Tangaroa to acknowledge our whaanau that have left us.

We got thru 38 races, the first being the Peter Muijlwijk memorial 3km race which, the cup was proudly taken back and won by Mitamitaga, it has been a long time coming.

We were well support by the AROCA region as well as our own clubs from Te Taitokerau. The W1 master men's race saw 25 waka on the water, what a sight!

A big 'shout out' and 'mihi' to all the Mitamitaga whaanau that helped out on the day, it couldn't have run so smoothly and been a huge success without your help.

Ngaa mihi rangatira ki a koutou kaatoa. And thank you to all those kaihoe and clubs that made our day fantastic.

Ralph Ruka