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We have a situation where Samoa have just granted their 3rd team spot for open mens W6 500, 1500 & possibly the W12 500 to a NZ based crew.

If you qualify under any of the following

1. Samoan passport
2. Have resided in Samoa for 6 months within the 12 month period leading up to March 2006 (this would include non Samoans eg. expatriates)
3. Birth certificate showing parent/s were born in Samoa

and willing to commit to representing Samoa in next months world sprints at Lake karapiro, please contact

David Field
Mobile: 021-726301
Work: 09-374-6616
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Due to the tight time frame it would be great to have the team made up of paddlers based in Auckland as we have a coach and programme in place here, however we will look alternatives if need to.

We currently have 3 commited and now looking for a steerer and 2-3 others. Preferably you would have been involved in the recent Club Nationals or if not, have at least kept up personal fitness and have reasonable paddling experience.

Appreciate this sounds last minute but with the large Samoan community here the last thing we want is 'zero' representation. Look forward to you call