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Report - 2006 Sprint Nationals

I know it's early to start talking about 2007 Sprints, but if we resolve these issues early it will be plain sailing for 2007

I hope you all had a good time at Nationals, from a management point of view, it was the easiest one to run.

For those of you who are interested
here is a copy of my debrief report for nationals.

There are a couple of things that we will be looking at changing

1. There are too many junior races, 7.30pm is too late to finish racing day one and day two
possible solutions

A. quota the number of junior teams
- requires each region to run a quota elimination event
- only the best teams get through, not every club may be represented at nationals

B. Only allow paddlers to race in one division (eg J16 can race J16 or J19 but not both), Note this will apply to all divisions not just juniors
- Open paddlers can only race 1 division, so why not everyone else
- this will allow more paddlers to get fewer races, rather then a few paddlers doing more races
- this will also make it the very easy to create the race schedule
(my prefered solution)

C. extend junior racing over 3 days instead of 2
- if senior division grows in size, this won't be possible

2. W1 paddlers will be placed into lanes based on their seed
eg best seed, gets best lanes in the heats. at the moment it is random

If you feel strongly about either of these changes let me know your thoughts and i will take it onboard when the decision is made

Constructive comments only please
Email: [email protected]

