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Report - Long Distance Nationals

Report - Long Distance Nationals

The Long Distance Nationals were held at Narrowneck, on Auckland\'s North Shore on Friday 5th May and Saturday 6th May.

After a few nervous days watching the weather and listening to forecasts, Friday dawned beautiful and clear with a very light off shore breeze. Narrowneck Beach was like a picture postcard (although a little cooler than in the tropics).

The workers arrived on site under the cover of darkness to ensure everything was set up and ready to go.

The waka and paddlers started arriving as the sun came up. The first task of the day was get all W1 waka weighed and down on to the beach - many thanks to Te Paerangi, Taniwha and Tamaki Clubs for looking after the waka weighing.

From weighing and rigging it was into registration and race setup for the paddlers.
The J19s were the first away on their 10km course.

We were especially fortunate and grateful to our AROCA Clubs, skippers and supporters, that we had sufficient support craft to have a 1:2 ratio of craft to (23) W1/W2 junior crews - that was awesome - thank you.

Rutene Gabel won the J19 Men W1 by 2 secs over Hemi Wahapango, the current World J16 Champion over 500m. Rutene\'s winning time was 57.08.56.

The J19 girls proved their mettle on the water by coming in close on the heels of the boys. Jamie-Lee Rahiri of Waitakere Outrigger Canoe Club took out the gold medal in a winning tine of 1.08.02.

The race for 2nd turned into a sprint with Shontelle McLean of Mareikura just edging out her Club mate, Sieda Tureia by a matter of seconds.

The J19 W2 race was the highlight of the day with Walter Harrison and Robert Sharrock winning Gold, but the real interest was in the dead heat for 2nd between George Hammond and Tipi Te Rangihaeata of TOA and their Club mates Hemi Tapene and Aranui Elkington.

From the shore the crews were going stroke for stroke in perfect unison, it was difficult to identify that there were actually two crews on the water. After 10km it was just amazing to see. The winning J19 Men W2 time was 0.57.11, with the joint 2nd place being 1.02.52

The J19 Women W2 was won by Akinihi Cooper and Tania Hill in 1.00.50, a full 6 mins ahead of 2nd place getters Megan Gardiner and Jessie Kenny. 3rd place went to Paekahurangi Monk and Inia Sutherland.

The Women W1/W2 and Open Mixed W2 were the next races away over 15km. The breeze had lifted a little but the conditions remained calm, at least at the start/finish line, for the duration of the race.

Bernie Murch took out the Open Women division over one of our Tahitian visitors, Kinu Lucas, with a time of 1.27.37 while Pamela Kane took the Silver medal. Kelley Korau took out the Master Women division in a time of 1.34.07 from Vivienne Harvey of Fire & Ice Club in Dunedin, while Carolyn Hibbert is the Snr Master Women Champion with a time of 1.23.23

In the Mens division Tyrin Thomas of Team Goodyear is this years LD Champion with a time of 1.19.48 over Reynald Tupai, our other Tahitian guest. Tim Pickering, also of Team Goodyear took the Silver and Tonga White of Nga Tai Whakarongo took the bronze.

Vance Winiata, of Team Phoenix, continued his winning ways from the Worlds by becoming the Master Men LD champion in a time of 1.20.58, with his team mates Danger Clark and Marty Helleur filling the other two medal positions.

Brian Wilson, also a W1 medal winner from the Worlds took out the Snr Master Men division in a time of 1.23.23. Laurence Atkins came in 2nd with Ken Gilbert placed 3rd.

A special congratulations to all W1 and W2 medal winners, especially those who were unable to stay on until Saturday night to receive their medals. We will get them to you.

Saturday dawned a little grey but as the day moved on the weather cleared and the sky brightened, but unfortunately the wind lifted, making conditions more challenging than on Friday for the crews. Just as well the Saturday racing was for the W6 crews only.

The Juniors had the best run of the day, a light 5 knot off shore breeze. The J19 Waitak Boys showed their skills by coming in a full 6 mins ahead of 2nd place getters, Nohorua from TOA, Wellington. The winning time was 47.56.69. The Pokohinu Boyz came in 3rd.

In the J19 Women division we had another good competitive race. However, Manawaru from Mareikura blitzed the field with a time of 54.54.13 whilst 2nd and 3rd went to Wahine TOA from TOA Cub from Wellington and Jelly Wobbles from Hei Matau

In the Women\'s division the Open section was won convincingly by Waitakere Roc, a full 19mins ahead of the next crew, Team Pohutukawa from Manukau, who were 15mins ahead of 3rd placed Vairua O Te Onu from Orakei.

The wind picked up for the Women/Mixed race with it blowing up to 20knots at the top mark. Two crews were swamped, Orakei managed to right themselves and get going again, to come in a hugely creditable 3rd.

The other crew, from Pupuke Moana Club, were not quite so fortunate. Each time they tried to get going another huge wave would come in over the top and swamp them again. In the end the girls decided wisely to call it a day, and the waka was towed home.

Team Saffire from Te Paerangi Club won the Master Women division in a time of 3.10.67 over Mareikura from Mareikura Club and Moana Wahine from Pupuke Moana Club.

The Mixed division went out at the same time as the Women and had to also battle the grueling conditions. Team F1 from Hei Matau won the division in 3.01.28. Team Kaiviti Kiwi 1 from Waitakere were determined to beat Mixed Edition from Aratika and did so in convincing fashion by 8 mins.

By the time the men took to the water at 2:30pm the conditions had again flattened out, and made for a relatively pleasant race, although conditions were cooler. Team Goodyear, fresh back from coming 3rd on the Gold Coast, took out the Mens 28km event in a time of 2.26.42, hot on their heels was Herberts on Tour, followed closely by Team Phoenix, last years OM winners, who took out the Master Men division this year.

It was great to see the Herbert boys and Bernd Sommer back in a waka and all at the front of the field. Team Kaipapa from Taniwha had us all fooled by paddling an Orakei waka (was that a cunning plot) - they came in 3rd with 2.30.48 in the Open Men division.

As already mentioned, Team Phoenix took out the Master Men division in a time of 2.30.35. Team Manukau were 6 mins behind with 2.36.13 and Grizzlies White picked up the Bronze with 2.37.58

In the Snr Master Men, Grizzlies Gold from Taniwha cleared out from the rest of the field by a full 10min over Team Matuku from Rangaunu and Master Blasters from Mareikura.

All 3 teams were made up primarily from medal winning Worlds Sprint teams. Grizzlies Gold winning time was 2.34.38. The last mens team to come home came in around 5:30pm, it was still daylight but getting much cooler with the late afternoon/ early evening sun much weaker at this time of year.

It was pleasing to note that 39 teams took to the water on the Saturday under, at times, trying conditions, and of that 39 only one had to be towed home.

All in all everyone appeared to have enjoyed themselves. There were definitely some very tired bodies around on Saturday night (paddlers and workers) but you bet they\'ll be back for more next year - wherever that may be.

A huge thanks to all paddlers, especially those who traveled a long distance to attend, and to all the organisers and helpers on both days. Without you all we would not have been able to hold such a successful event.

*** LDN T-Shirts ***
There are limited stock of the Long Distance Championship T-Shirts available at $15 each. A great memento of the event.
To place an order e-mail Louise Henderson at: [email protected]

Deposit funds into the Auckland Region Outrigger Canoe Association account at the
BNZ 2-4 Waipareira Ave, Henderson
Account No: 02-1206-0009304-001
Please use your NKOA Id # in the serial number field of the deposit slip or in the Payee Reference field if doing on-line electronic banking.

*** LOST ***
A number of paddles have been reported lost - 2 steering blades and 2 Moana Nui blades
A pair of womens black booties in the womens\' toilet

*** FOUND ***
A small i-pod
A green cash flow card \"M Walker\"
Fawn coloured sweat shirt top
a couple of mobile phones

If anyone has found items or wants to claim items please contact either Jan Nicholson at [email protected] or Louise Henderson at [email protected]

Updated Results are attached below
