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NKOA - Nominations for Vice President Role

NKOA - Nominations for Vice President Role

UPDATED - In accordance with the Constitution and Rules of NKOA, I advise that two nominations have been received for the role of Vice President of NKOA.

These being :

AROCA - Peter Reaburn (profile attached)

TPOTI - Martin Mikaere (profile attached)

Regions have until 5pm on the 21st July to submit their votes to myself at the above e-mail address. (see attached panui for instructions)

PLEASE NOTE - I will only accept votes sent via Regional Secretaries (NOT CLUBS) and votes for one Nominee only from each Region. Voting must be sent directly to myself by the cut off date and time, if you want them included.

Jan Nicholson
Returning Officer
Email: [email protected]
