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Who would have thought...

I just wanted to share some good news, perhaps it would restore a bit more faith in the fact that karakia work and that there is a 'waka god'.

In July 2005 I posted a notice on this website notifying paddlers that one of our W-1s was stolen from our waka rack in Porirua (Toa Waka Ama).

Last weekend the canoe was returned, undamaged and in the same condition as it was a year ago when it was stolen. Who would have thought that it would come back to us after a year.

I want to thank the waka whanau for keeping an eye out for our missing canoe. The person that took the canoe stored it at a family member's home unawares to the family that it was stolen.

It wasn't until a paddler spotted the canoe in the garage and recognized the canoe from the notice board on the website from a year ago!

Thank you to the family who on finding out about the ownership of the canoe returned the waka back to us.

I would also like to thank Alex and NKOA for this awesome website which allows our small but growing whanau to stay in touch with what's happening around the motu.

He mihi ki koutou e nga whanau katoa

Na Tipene Kenny - Rangataua Mauriora me Toa Waka Ama hoki