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Poem - Sugar Loaf

I think this is the first time i have posted a poem on the website. This is a poem written by one of the coastguard members that was inspired by our race and its that first time he's ever seen waka ama.

Sugar Loaf

The Morning Breeze only lasts so long,
Until the ancient one calls from beyond.

From over the horizon they hear the call,
From the sweet rock to them all,

“Come to me” it said to them
“Stake your claim in my domain,
Pitch yourself against my tide,
Come to me, I do not hide”

And they stood up proud
and said out loud
“We see you there and do not fear
Your ancient solid statue stare”

Their Waka broke water and brows broke sweat.
That rock aint seen nothing yet!

A dozen arms pulled in a line,
Waka back from ancient times.
Hearts and spirits all on board
From ten generations back and forward
Pitched together here and now as one
Surging forward through wind sea swell and sun

The giant rock stood proud and silent
Casting down its majestic stare
The waka they raced past defiant
They will be back another year…