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Team Goodyear sings 'catch us if you can'

The raging winds and seas experienced by paddlers in the Vaka Eiva races on Saturday were nowhere to be seen in yesterday’s V6 Ironman races.

Source: Cook Island News
Website: www.cookislandnews.com
Photo: Harvie Allison

What was to be the Avana Ironman race was changed to just the V6 Ironman with the 14kilometre course taking paddlers from Avarua Harbour to O’oa (Skip Price’s house) and back to the JUHI fuel tanks in Panama before heading back to the Avarua harbour.
The conditions were perfect for surfing with the Masters races kicking off the day’s events.

The men and women's masters’ race were very close with visiting teams taking the top spots.

In the open women's V6 race it was the dominating Tahiti team who took the top spot with local club Ngakau Toa on their heels.
Prior to the start of the mixed races team Xylon were caught in the waves by the boiler and thrown onto the reef during their warm up paddle.

The canoe lost its ama but the boat didn’t sustain too much damage and the paddlers were not injured.

Local clubs Te Tupu O Te Manava and Ngakau Toa were neck and neck in the mixed race with Te Tupu breaking away to finish in 1:03:32 followed by Ngakau Toa in 1:03:52.
The open men’s V6 was the race of the day with a spectacular finish to hype up the crowd.

Fiji’s Team Kai Wai led the race from the start and were the first to come around the top mark, followed by local club Te Tupu O Te Manava, but team Goodyear and Ngakau Toa were on their heels.

On the final leg from Panama back to Avarua Harbour team Goodyear picked up the pace to overtake Te Tupu and Kai Wai and beat them to the finish line with Te Tupu second and Ngakau Toa coming in third.

Over all it was a great day of racing with the only injuries being mild cases of dehydration.

Today will see the first of the junior races with the U19 Muri Lagoon Iron Race.

The race will be between the local Te Au Te Oe and Mooloolaba Junior outrigger team from Australia.

The team will race over a 8km course from Muri lagoon to Moana Sands in Titikaveka and back to Muri beach.

This race will start at 10am for both men and women.

Also on tomorrow is a workshop with Nappy Napoleon at the Avarua wharf starting at 3.30pm.

For the brave there is the Trader Jacks Boiler swim starting at 5pm. The 800-meter swim is open to all paddlers and a gold coin enters you into the swim.

All proceeds from this event is donated to Rotaract. Results and more photos on the back page. – Matariki Wilson/Cook Islands News

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