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New Supplier - Outrigger Canoes Ltd

Distributors for HYPR OC1 & OC2 Canoes Hawaiian designed & featuring the latest production technology - Super stiff seamless & 3 part metallic paint finish process

Designs: Pahoa, Vantage, Holo Nui, Makia Nalu, Hokulaea (Polaris), Waveblade 2-man

Malakai Tuionetoa
Mobile: 027 2478 061
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.outriggercanoes.co.nz

Also – we have a special offer on to the end of March – is there anywhere on the web site we can let people know about this?

Basically we're offering $400 off the normal price of all OC1 and OC2 canoes until 31 March to introduce the new Metallic 3-part paint finish. Just order and pay a $500 deposit before the end of March 2007 and get the OC1 canoes for $4,500 (usually $4,900) and the Waveblade 2-man for $6,500 (usually $6,900).

Please get back to us if you need any further information.

Thanks & kind regards

Malakai Tuionetoa