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Results - Roto Hoe Rotoma

Rotoma turned on a great day for the paddlers that came from as far as Auckland and Gisborne and all points in between.

The first race had a bit of chop on the water with the second race having nice flat water.

People unpacked their picnics, chilled out, and watched some Waka Ama under a blue morning sky.

It was great to see some old faces and plenty of new ones as well. Thank you to everyone, paddlers and helpers who gave the first Roto Hoe of the season a good boost to get up and get paddling!!

The next Roto Hoe will be exciting; bringing some new twists and changes to it, so look out for the panui soon. In the meantime, paddle hard, paddle proud.

A couple of pics of the day (not as good as Opa Roozy’s), but you get the idea !!


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