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Panui - Hauraki Hoe

Hauraki Hoe Marathon Outrigger Canoe Race - 17th March, Birkenhead Wharf, Auckland

Race Registrations are now coming in - view entries received to date on the "Race Entries 2007" page of the Hauraki Hoe web site


or click on the Hauraki Hoe under Events Listing to go through to the web site.

We are still open for entries, so don't miss out. Entries need to be entered via the web site - Race Registrations.
Information on the Hoe Potu is now on the web site.

Any queries please contact either Louise Henderson
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 027-231 8936

OR Jan Nicholson
E-mail evenings: [email protected]
Mobile: 021-779900

Many thanks,